How to improve brain function and memory

The modern world demands high demands on the person living there related to mental activity, and sometimes it is necessary to perform several tasks simultaneously in different areas of knowledge.

Without additional "feeding" of brain cells, proper lifestyle, keeping the body in normal physical shape and good nutrition, this is impossible. Therefore, suggestions on how to improve brain function and memory in different ways will interest all readers.

Brain and memory cells

Over the years, as age increases, not only does a person age, but his or her brain, thinking abilities, neuronal connections in cells deteriorate, and the gray matter ofgradually, his cognitive abilities (thinking, understanding, holding on to learning, reasoning and logical conclusions). Impaired attention and memory impairment are the first signs of a decline in a person's thinking abilities, which often appear with age.

Causes of memory and brain impairment

  • injuries and injuries after surgeries, previous illnesses (stroke, concussions, etc. );
  • some internal diseases: infectious, kidney disease, etc. ;
  • age-related changes in the body;
  • use of alcohol, drugs, antidepressants, smoking;
  • Wrong lifestyle
  • : stress, lack of sleep, overload at work.

To slow down these negative processes, scientists recommend trying to keep your body and brain healthy by using the following rules:

  • maintain good physical activity, exercise regularly;
  • adhere to a normal diet and weight, eating foods that improve brain function;
  • control of cholesterol and blood glucose levels;
  • quitting smoking and other bad habits;
  • maintain normal blood pressure levels;
  • If necessary, you can learn how to improve brain function in consultation with a specialist who will prescribe the necessary drug.

Nootropic substances:

Nootropics are substances and agents that stimulate a positive effect on human brain tissue, increase its efficiency, improve memory, help and facilitate the process of memorization and learning, and stimulate cognitive functions. They also increase the “clarity” of the mind in any circumstances, even extreme. They are based on organic components. The modern pharmaceutical industry produces drugs and pills on the basis of which improve brain function.

10 substances that improve memory and intellectual performance:

  • Flavonols - activate the production of the hormone endorphin in the body, adding a feeling of joy and happiness. They stimulate the transmission of nerve impulses in brain cells, adding energy and activity. Such substances contain dark chocolate.
  • Lecithin - one of the body's cellular components, a phospholipid involved in the production of enzymes and hormones; in combination with vitamin B5, it turns into acetylcholine, which accelerates the course of nervous processes and reactions (neurotransmitter); found in eggs, beef and chicken liver, fatty fish, legumes, nuts and seeds.
  • Caffeine
  • - found in coffee and green tea, its intake helps to focus, increase productivity and stimulate the brain, but after a while reduces brain activity.
  • L-Theanine, an amino acid found in green tea, helps to prolong brain activity and increase performance without further degradation.
  • Creatine - an organic acid containing nitrogen produced naturally during active bodily activity, helps increase muscle growth and cellular responses, conserve the brain 's energy reserves, and enhance analytical thinking. Omega-3
  • fatty acids (found in ocean fish, nuts, seeds) - improve memory, relieve depression and stress, protect against aging.
  • L-tyrosine is an amino acid that contributes to the production of adrenaline and the neurotransmitter dopamine, which increases fatigue threshold, concentration, and has a positive effect on the endocrine system.
  • Vitamins
  • B - help restore nerve cells and improve brain function.
  • Acetyl-L-carnitine is an amino acid that relieves chronic fatigue, improves memory and brain cell function, maintains carbohydrate balance and metabolism, and affects sexual performance.
  • Dry extract of Ginkgo biloba leaves is the most powerful nootropic drug named after the tree of the same name, its leaves contain glycosides, flavonoids and terpenes, which together stimulate brain activity, improve memory and emotional stability.

Products that control the activity of brain cells:

Lifestyle and nutrition are the main factors that influence a person's mental activity. Scientific research shows that there are some foods that can improve memory and brain function.

These include:

  • Fatty fish (sardines, salmon, trout, etc. ) have a positive effect on mental abilities due to the presence of Omega-3 fatty acids; By eating fatty acids, one provides them for the reproduction of nerve cells in the brain (which is 60% fat in itself), and slows down the aging process and even prevents the presence of Alzheimer 's disease.
  • Black coffee contains essential substances in the human body: caffeine and antioxidants that inhibit the work of adenosine (which prevents drowsiness and improves positive perception of reality), stimulates the production of serotonin to improve mood and helps the concentration of workincrease mental. Dark chocolate (containing at least 80% cocoa) contains beneficial substances to improve brain function: flavonoids, caffeine and antioxidants, which improve memory and help slow down age-related changes in brain cells, and improves mood.
  • Nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds) - contain useful vitamins B and E, trace elements (magnesium) and antioxidants, daily intake is up to 100 g.
  • Blueberries are berries that not only have a positive effect on visual acuity, but also on the brain, and also relieve depression, due to the content of anthocyanins - antioxidant substances that strengthen blood vessels and reduce their vulnerability, which improvescommunication between brain cells and memory.
  • Oranges and lemons are a source of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that protects the brain from free radicals.
  • Broccoli - Contains fat-soluble vitamin K (essential for the formation of fats in brain cells and improves memory) and antioxidants to help overcome diseases associated with brain damage.
  • Pumpkin seeds as a source of magnesium, zinc, iron and copper, which affect the human nervous system, learning and memory.
  • Chicken eggs are a source of many nutrients (folic acid, choline, vitamins B6 and B12).

Effects of physical activity on the brain

Even a simple afternoon walk in the fresh air has a beneficial effect on brain health. One of the ways to improve brain function is to maintain high physical activity, doing exercises with a certain load. It helps to improve intellectual abilities at any age, and in the elderly - to deal with minor cognitive impairments.

Scientists recommend aerobic exercise, short training sessions, yoga and meditation to improve blood flow to the brain and keep the body in good physical condition.

Mediterranean Diet

According to many scientists, the Mediterranean diet contains the best diet rich in healthy vegetables and fruits, legumes and whole grains, as well as nuts and olive oil, which have a positive effect andprovides long-term protection for the brain.

The diet includes small amounts of dairy products, sea fish and various wines. The use of red meat, poultry and processed finished products is restricted.

Mind Training

One of the most effective ways to improve memory and brain function is to train your thinking skills on a daily basis. These methods include: solving crosswords and Sudoku, learning a new foreign language. The latter, according to the conclusion of Finnish scientists from the University of Helsinki, helps to improve cognitive abilities even in the elderly, giving "sharpness" to the mind and increasing its elasticity.

The more a person knows foreign languages, the sooner the reaction in the brain's neural network to the accumulation of new information occurs. Therefore, children and adults are encouraged to practice new languages ​​to prevent cognitive decline as the body ages.

Learning how to play a musical instrument, regardless of student age, has a positive effect on memory and brain cells. Sound reproduction has a protective effect, altering brain waves and improving hearing.

Cognitive training

Nootropic Medications:

Human brain and memory are often affected by the external environment, so many people feel they need treatment and they turn to specialists to try and say what drugs improve memory and brain function. All such medications and tablets can only be taken as directed by a physician.

However, in emergencies (diploma protection, session, exams, etc. ), taking such drugs helps to focus attention and improve brain activity in a short time.

What drugs improve brain function and are sold without a prescription

  • Glycine is a free “head of vitamins” that regulates sleep, mental activity and improves mood, must be taken in a course of at least 30 days.
  • Gamma-aminobutyric acid - prescribed for treating head injuries, helps eliminate toxins and normalize nervous processes.
  • Dry extract of Ginkgo biloba leaves - a preparation made from leaf extract, prescribed for sleep disorders, dizziness, impaired memory and attention, normalizes metabolism in brain cells and tissues (not prescribed under 18).

Prescription pills for memory and brain function:

  • Piracetam, and analogs - drugs that help students pass the session, for impaired memory and attention, are prescribed for elderly patients - in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Vinzooxine - is prescribed to improve cerebral metabolism, blood circulation in the vessels of the head in the treatment of the consequences of stroke, etc.
  • pyritinol dihydrochloride monohydrate - used to reduce mental performance, helps to normalize metabolic processes in nervous tissues, is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, childhood encephalopathy.
  • Pig brain peptide complex - sold in ampoules and prescribed in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, stroke, etc.

You should read the instructions for each medication carefully, since most of them have negative side effects and contraindications.

Rules for taking nootropic drugs:

Before you start taking drugs that improve memory and brain function, it is necessary to consult a specialist doctor, and also take into account important rules:

  • dose of the drug and the duration of the course of treatment are selected according to the age of the patient, the characteristics of his health and body, the presence of several concurrent diseases;
  • herbal preparations or dietary supplements are not always harmless and harmless to humans, may present with allergic reactions, contraindications and unexpected side effects;
  • to detect a positive or negative change in brain function and memory, it is necessary to regularly test, write down your observations and perform a series of special exercises;
  • in order to choose the best pills that improve brain function, better exchange their intake and observe the effect on the body, this will help identify the most suitable drug.

Developing thinking and memory skills in children

Medications and medicines are not always suitable for children; conversely, it is not recommended that many of them be taken under the age of 18 due to potential negative consequences. Before deciding on a prescription of medications, it is best to consult a pediatrician and a neurologist.

This happens because any disease leads to a decrease in the concentration of attention and memory in children, and only a doctor, after the examination, can decide to improve the child's brain function: with the help offrom medications, vitamins or lifestyle and recreation changes, to prescription. diet food and the use of foods that help stimulate the work of brain cells.

Folk recipes to improve memory

Traditional medicine has collected over the years many recipes that have a positive effect on a person's ability to remember and improve concentration:

  • clover flower infusion - prepared from 2 tbsp. l. dried plants for 2 tbsp. hot water, everything is poured into a thermos for 2 hours, then strain and drink 100 g half an hour before meals, the duration of the course - 3 months;
  • Barkdecoction of chopped red buckwheat bark: 1 tbsp. l. mass for 250 g of water, boil and stand for 6 hours, drink three times a day for 1 tbsp. l, course - 30 days, then break, per year - at least 3 cycles;
  • Eat 2-3 young pine buds. twice a day before meals.


If you have memory problems, dizziness, insomnia, depression or other symptoms, you must first clarify the source and cause of these negative processes by visiting a doctor and undergoing a comprehensive examination. After receiving specialist results and recommendations, it will be possible to start treatment and take medications that improve brain function and memory.